This is Stay at Homeschool Mom, a blog from my heart to yours. Join me as I dig deep into everything I’ve learned, and am still learning, on my journey through homeschooling.
When I started my own homeschool journey with my first child, I was in the dark about all things homeschool – with nothing but my intuition as a light. I dug to try to find someone to send me in the right direction (with little help), and if you’re like me then you probably don’t know where to even start!
Since then, I have had 3 more children and with the help of obsessive research, plenty of trial and error, and that good ol’ intuition, I have arrived at some semblance of comfort and confidence in my homeschool journey.
I now have a true passion for homeschooling and have made it a personal goal of mine to keep others from stumbling, like I did, through their own homeschool journeys. Hopefully I can take the dark out of homeschooling and let that light shine! So pick up your intuition with me and let’s get started!